Wednesday, January 23, 2013

3 Steps to Successful Transitions

As I posted on Monday, my family and I are currently heading into a time of transition from one ministry position to another. I have been a junky over the past month at reading many blogs and articles about healthy transitions and doing ministry through it. I though I would share 3 overarching truths I have found helpful in the transition.

1. Stay Present
God has you exactly where he wants you, and even though he may be calling you somewhere else in the near future, where you are currently is the place where you are to continue to minister to. This is extremely difficult as God started to turn our hearts towards new frontiers; however, you are still responsible to your currently position/congregation/etc. until God physically has you in the new position. Stay present and the transition will start on the right foot.

2. Live Out Grace
Pastor and leaders, please hear me. As difficult as the transition is for you, it is also difficult for those in your current congregation. Emotions will run high, which will cause some difficult and awkward moments. Realize that it is difficult for them, too, and then live out grace towards them.

3. Reflect
Take time in the transition to look back on your time with the church/youth group/congregation and reflect on things that went on during that time. Look to see all the times that God did something unexpected and amazing. Reflect on the funny moments and the sad ones that happened along the way. More than anything, look back on what worked and didn't work and learn from it. Make sure that the pastor and leader you are going into the new position is even better and stronger than the one you were at the previous position. 

Transitions are difficult for everyone involved. It is truly like losing a part of your family, but when the transition is done well, there is less hurt and pain in the process. If your going through a period of transition make sure to stay present, live out grace, and reflect back on what God has done. 

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