Wednesday, January 30, 2013

3 Great Youth Ministry Books

There are all sorts of great books out there for youth ministry, pastoring, leadership, and a host of other topics that are helpful to the youth leader and pastor. There are three in particular that have been of great help to me in my first few years as a youth leader. In fact, I enjoy these books so much that I am heading back to read them again heading into a new youth position soon.

1. Your First Two Years in Youth Ministry, by Doug Fields
Doug did an amazing job in this book of putting together a great beginners guide to youth ministry. He discusses many real-world issues that will come up in youth ministry and give great advice on how to deal with these issues. Doug also shares a ton of hilarious stories from his own experiences over the years. Its a great read, and, personally, I think it is a must read for a youth leader.

2. Purpose-Driven Youth Ministry, by Doug Fields
Same author as the first book, but a little different in its scope and usefulness. Doug really unpacks the overall strategic outlook of youth ministry and how to set it up for life change in the students the ministry is trying to reach. Cut from the same cloth as Rick Warren's Purpose Driven Life and Purpose Driven Church, this is a great read to understand one man's effective model of youth ministry.

3. 9 Best Practices of Youth Ministry, by Kurt Johnston and Tim Levert
There is nothing earth-shattering about the ideas in this book. Some may even say that it is extremely basic in its scope; however, it is a great reminder of some of the best things a youth leader can do for the youth ministry to make it a success inside the framework of the larger congregation. Youth leaders that desire to have a youth ministry that is celebrated and loved by their congregation will benefit greatly from the simple, yet effective, ideas presented in this book.

As I stated there are many other great titles out there for youth ministry. What are some youth ministry books that have been particularly helpful to you?

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